Blessings to All on this Full Moon~Harvest Moon in Pisces! This full moon brings the deep feminine waters of Pisces which supports our emotional expression. Be aware of what emotions are being amplified this full moon, and take moments to really TUNE-IN & LISTEN. Shine your Light of Awareness on what Is. From here the RESPONSE will be natural, effortless, and guided by your Inner Wisdom. Yesterday my daughter and I went to Goldstream, and instead of going up Mt. Finlayson as we usually do, we decided to try 'the other side' (of the highway). We found this spider and her web at the beginning of the trail, blessing us with plenty of awe-ing and ooo-ing, and then we hiked up past a small waterfall to a railroad trestle. We walked across half-way and that was enough fear sensation for my little one, and I must admit, I felt my Root Chakra energetically being stirred as I looked though the slats to an abyss below. I played with the sensation a bit, walking closer to the edge, looking down, feeling my root chakra energy centre swirling, like excited space in space. I wonder if this (and similar) would be good therapy to un-stick a stuck root chakra in its excessive form of imbalance? Root Chakra ~ Muladhara. When balanced in this Chakra, we feel safe and secure. We feel comfortable in our own body, and comfortable with the material things of this world. We feel supported, and have a deep sense that we will be provided for. We are in the present moment, trusting, and calm. When we feel grounded, safe, secure and supported, we can truly surrender and accept, and move on with Life. When this chakra is out of balance (either excessive or deficient) it can show up as Fear, Anxiety, Worry, Resentment, Rigidity, and Lack of Trust. Physically, imbalances in this energy centre can manifest as eating disorders, bone issues, sciatica, low back pain, hemorrhoids, constipation, diarrhea, and a compromised immune system and adrenals. If you feel your Root Chakra is deficient, bring in the element Earth to re-balance. Spend more time in nature, pay more attention to nourishing your body with healthy food and eating regularly, and engage in embodied practices such as yoga, dance, and massage. Make your home environment and work environment more comfortable and cozy. Be with relationships that engender a sense of calm, safety, and support. If you feel your Root Chakra is excessive, you will want to work with other elements to balance that out (to be addressed as we move up the Chakras). Or, perhaps play with putting yourself in a situation that evokes fear and feel the sense of excitement and lightness that stirs in your Root Chakra (i.e. walk across a high railroad trestle and look down or let a spider crawl on you...)! Three Kriyas for the Root Chakra (click on title to access): Healthy Bowel System Kriya for Removing Fear of the Future Apana Kriya And a lovely Mantra for the Root Chakra: Humee Hum Brahm Hum (We are We, We are God) Chanting this mantra sets our identity on its true reality - once we know this, we can trust in Life. One version of this can be found on the CD titled "Hummee Hum Brahm Hum" by Gurucharan Singh Khalsa & Gurusangat Singh. Blessings to All!
I look forward to seeing you, and love your questions and comments - let me know what you would like to see here! Sat Nam, Dawn
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January 2016
Dawn Rabey, PhDTranspersonal Psychotherapist Registered Clinical Counsellor Categories |