"Take your pain and your weakness to your altar, and give your strength to each other" ~Yogi Bhajan Divine Relationships Part 2Everything a spiritual path or teacher can give you, marriage gives you. According to Yogi Bhajan, marriage is considered the highest form of yoga, and the hardest. It will test the strength of your Spirit over and over again. "Marriage is the carriage that will take you to Infinity" ~Yogi Bhajan I am continuing to share insights from the lovely book Divine Relationships by Nam Kaur and Siri Atma. Although the focus of this book is primarily Divine Relationships in the sense of marriage, many of the concepts and practices are relevant for all types of relationships, including our relationship with Self. "Without commitment there is no trust, and without trust you can not experience deep intimacy in your love life. The basics of a good relationship are openness, honesty, and the desire to give up your individuality to merge and become something new, something unique, something that has never been before. The most important thing you bring to your relationship is commitment, your capacity to carry something to the end, unto Infinity." ~Nam Kaur and Siri Atma This is similar when we find a spiritual teacher or path, you have to commit to a discipline in order to progress. In this you are committing to yourself, to the truth of your soul. If commitment is a challenge work on the Arc Line and the Radiant Body. The essence of the Arc Line is Purity, and the Essence of the Radiant Body is Commitment, Service, and Seeing God in All. "Marriage is to lose yourselves into one another....Marriage is not 'what about me.' Me doesn't exist. I doesn't exist....After marriage WE exist" "Marriage is an exalted state of consciousness where two people practice to become one divine being" ~Yogi Bhajan Each time we are romantically hurt, it leaves scars in our aura. We can be weighted down by these scars and disappointments in love. "The pain blocks the inflow of cosmic energy and you become less sensitive to the possibilities life offers" (Nam Kaur and Siri Atma). This Kriya guides prana to the heart centre, creating more openness so you can give and receive love without fear, anger, or resentment. The experience of compassion is cultivated, which releases pain of past relationships and elevates your current relationships. Click here to access this Kriya, which was originally called Essence of Self. I will teach this in tomorrow's (Thursday's) 5:00pm Kundalini Yoga class at Hemma, so please come if you would like to experience it! Creating Intimacy"There's no relationship which has no sacrifice in it. If you have lost your trust, you have lost everything. ~Yogi Bhajan A few suggestions for Creating Intimacy in your relationship: 1) Attend to a man's desire for social protection, and a woman's desire for personal security. 2) Share with one another five things that you love and appreciate about the other and/or the relationship, and two requests of what you would like to be different. 3) Share with one another what you most value about yourself, and then what you most value about the other. 4) Give each other a 15 minute mini-massage. A foot massage reaches the psychic body, and a hand massage reaches the physical body. "In a loving relationship, there is always a pulsating flow toward sex and intimacy taking place." 5) Share one of your dreams, goals, or what you want to shift in yourself over the next few months, and how your partner can support you. For true merger to occur a couple must move through the few of exposing their innermost selves. CommunicationTiming is key. Yogi Bhajan shared when it is best to talk to a man based on his astrological sign: If he is an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn) it's best to talk when he's on the move - walking, hiking - never face to face. If he is a fire sign (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries), he'll enjoy discussions over eating. If he is an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), he will be most responsive first thing in the morning - at first breath. If he is a water sign (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio), he will be most approachable when he says he is happy. Register in June for the Fall Kundalini Yoga Retreat and save $50.00!
January 2016
Dawn Rabey, PhDTranspersonal Psychotherapist Registered Clinical Counsellor Categories |