"When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off." Greetings and Welcome to Spring! We have just passed the April long week-end, full-moon, and another eclipse. My wish is that we all had some time for reflection and relaxation - and moments of stillness where what wanted to move through was granted some space to do Thy will of the Great Goddess, Adi Shakti. May we not forget the power of "Let go and let God" in those moments when we feel, seemingly, at a breaking point. Last week we did a lovely Kriya for the Radiant Body quality of Keep-Up Spirit. The Radiant Body (10) is our Soul Body (1) amplified. A strong Radiant Body gives us a natural capacity to Elevate and Uplift. This Kriya is great to practice when we are on the edge of giving up when the break-through is just around the corner. It will also strengthen your Aura and Sciatic Nerve. Click here to access this Kriya. The Third Sutra of the Aquarian AgeYogi Bhajan gave us Five Sutras for the Aquarian Age: 1) Recognize that the other person is you. 2) There is a way through every block. 3) When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off. 4) Understand though compassion or you will misunderstand the times. 5) Vibrate the cosmos, and the cosmos shall clear the path. In Kundalini Yoga class this week we are focussing on the 3rd Sutra: ~When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off ~In what area of your life are you procrastinating? What is keeping you from starting? Look within and discern what is the essential block that is holding you back. You may have various answers that pop up, so make sure you are in your Neutral Mind (Meditative Mind) so you can hear the wisdom of your own soul telling you what the block is, and how to move forward. The following Mantra will help. The Guru Gaitri MantraThe Guru Gaitri Mantra is recommended for working with the 3rd Sutra. It stabilizes the hemispheres of the brain and balances the Heart Chakra, invoking the qualities of compassion and patience. This mantra helps you break through deep-seated blocks. It balances Ether (Akasha) and Earth, Space and Form. Chant this Mantra for 11 - 31 minutes to align yourself with Eight Facets of Consciousness (see mantra below), strengthen your relationship with your Soul, and to live beyond the constraints of Time and Space: Gobinday (Sustainer), Mukhanday (Liberator), Udaaray (Enlightener), Apparay (Infinite), Hariang (Destroyer), Kariang (Creator), Nirnaamay (Nameless), Akaamay (Desireless) SatKirin Kaur Khalsa has a beautiful version of this Mantra on her album "Jaap", and you can listen to it here. "The primary objective [of Kundalini] is to awaken the full potential of human awareness in each individual; that is, recognize our awareness, refine that awareness, and expand that awareness to our unlimited Self. Clear any inner duality, create the power to deeply listen, cultivate inner stillness, and prosper and deliver excellence in all that we do." ~KYRI
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January 2016
Dawn Rabey, PhDTranspersonal Psychotherapist Registered Clinical Counsellor Categories |